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Dr. Agustin Millet

Postdoctoral Scholar, Solugen Inc. , 2022

Agustin was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He completed his Bachelor at the University of Buenos Aires where he conducted research on toxicology in the group of Dr. Mazzetti. Agustin graduated in 2013 and stayed in Buenos Aires teaching for a year before applying for graduate school. In 2015, he started his PhD graduate program at Texas A&M University where he conducted research in inorganic chemistry under Dr. Kim R. Dunbar’s tutelage. He successfully defended his dissertation in dirhodium chemistry in October 2019 after which he moved to NJ to start his postdoctoral fellowship in the MacMillan group.

Fun Facts
  • Agustin loves to draw whenever he has time. He has also delved into other artistic forms of expression such as clay and photography.
  • Singing is a passion of his, being the shower and the car his favorite venues. He would most likely burn your ears off if you ever ask him for a ride somewhere, so beware.
  • When he participated in a work-and-travel program he made sure to end up in NYC. He saw as many musicals as he could while he was there. His favorite? Wicked.
  • He has way too many shoes that he doesn’t use.