Special Lecture, JSPC, Japan
IUPAC, Plenary Lecture, Sao Paulo, Brazil
OMCOS, Plenary Lecture, Jeju Island, Korea
ACS Kosolapoff Award, Auburn University, AL
Mack Lecture Award, The Ohio State University, OH
New Direction in Chemistry Sym, University of Melbourne, Australia
V. J. Shiner Jr. Distinguished Lecturer, Indiana University, IN
Marvel Lectures, Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
Murtiashaw Lecture in Chemistry, USC, Colombia, SC
Janssen Pharmaceutica Prize Lecture, Antwerp, Belgium
Distinguished Professor Award, Seoul National University, Korea
Lecture in Honor of Steve Ley, Cambridge, UK
Tishler Prize Lectures, Harvard University, MA
Chemical Record Lectureship, Tokyo, Kyoto, Tskuba, Japan
Felix Serratosa Lecture, University of Barcelona and ICIQ, Spain
Distinguished Scientist Award, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Backer Lectureship, Groningen, Holland
Schering Prize Lectures, Berlin, Germany
Kavali Lecture, ACS National Meeting, Boston
Keynote Lecture, Nato Conference, Sapporo, Japan
Plenary Lecture National Organic Symposium, Maryland
Harrison Howe Award Lecture, Rochester, NY
Robinson Lectures, Oxford University, UK
Invited Lecture, University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill, NC
Award Lecture, ACS award for Molecular Design and Synthesis, NJ
Plenary Lecture, Madrid Symposium of Organic Chemistry, Madrid, Spain
Plenary Lecture, Pavia Chemistry Day, Pavia, Italy
Plenary Lecture, Russian Organic Symposium, Moscow, Russia
Eun Lee lectureship, Seoul National University, Korea
Plenary Lecture, Isacs Meeting, Shanghai, China
Plenary Lecture, Chinese Chem Soc Meeting, Beijing, China
Plenary Lecture, ICIQ Anniversary Symposium, Tarragona, Spain
Marker Lectureship, Penn State, PA
UW Madison, Student Invited Lectureship, Madsion, WI
Stork Lectureship, Columbia University, New York, NY
Plenary Lecture, ESOC 2013, Marseille, France
Koppa Symposium in Organic Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland
ACS Symposium on Photoredox Catalysis, New Orleans
Murray Lectureship, St Louis, Missouri
RSC Catalysis Award, Symposium in Honor, Strathclyde University, UK
Plenary Lecture, Huddersfield Catalysis Symposium, UK
Beckman Lectureship, Caltech, Pasadena, CA
Bristol-Syngenta Lectureship, Bristol, UK
Plenary Lecture, Organocatalysis Symposium, Honolulu, HI
Bohlman Lectureship, TUB, Berlin, Germany
Swissman Lectures, Kansas University, KS
Plenary Lecture to Honor Manfred Reetz Tetrahedron Prize, ACS, PA
Electron Transfer GRC, Salve Regina, RI
Keynote Lecture National Graduate Student Symposium, Boulder, CO
Keynote Lecture Heterocycles GRC, Salve Regina, RI
Symposium to honor Howard Alper, Ottawa University, Canada
Plenary Lecture SFB 858 Symposium, Munster, Germany
Donald G. Davis, Memorial Lectureship, University of New Orleans
Sloan-Kettering, New York
Lilly Award Symposium, Senior Talk, Indianapolis, IN
Plenary Lecture to Honor Steve Hanessian Natural Products Prize, ACS, San Diego, CA
Plenary Lecture, HCF symposium, Gainesville, Fl
Plenary Lecture, Werner Soc. Dublin, Ireland
Plenary Lecture, Green Catalysis Symposium, Quebec, Canada
Student invited seminar, Minnesota University, MN
Plenary Lecture, ICHC symposium, Glasgow, Scotland
Plenary Lecture, Cambridge-Oxford Synthesis Meeting, UK
Plenary Lecture, Regensburg University, Germany
Hassel Lectureship, University of Oslo, Norway
ACS Award Lecture for Creative Work in Chemical Synthesis, ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA
Mitsui Catalysis Award Lecture, Kyoto, Japan
Kharasch Lecureship, University of Chicago, IL
Pfizer Lectureship, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Plenary Lecture Iberia Americo Symposium, Spain
Plenary Lecturer, ISSACS Meeting, San Francisco
Plenary Lecturer, DFG Meeting on Organocatalysis, Mulheim, Germany
Tetrahedron Chair, BOSS Symposium, Brussels, Belgium
Plenary Lecture, Tetrahedron Symposium, Bejing, China
French-American Chemical Society Meeting, Obernai, France
Plenary Lecture, Sheffield Stereochemistry Meeting, UK
Karabatsos Lectureship, Michigan State University
Plenary Lecture, Welch Foundation Symposium, TX
Plenary Lecture, Presentation of Tetrahedron Prize to L. Overman, ACS Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Van ‘t Hoff lecture of the Dutch Royal Academy, Amsterdam, Holland
Carruthers Lectureship, Birmingham, UK
Plenary Lecture, Grasmere, UK; Pfizer Green Chemitrsy Symposium, UK
Plenary Lecture, Ischia Workshop, Ischia, Italy
Plenary Lecture, German Organic Chemistry, Weimar, Germany
Plenary Lecture, Division of Organic Chemistry Centennial Celebration ACS Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Plenary Lecture, Ischia Organic Chemistry Conference, Ischia, Italy
Plenary Lecture, UK Symposium on Catalytic Methods, Leeds, UK
Organic Synthesis Lectureship, UC Irvine, CA
Plenary Lecture, Presentation of ACS Award to M. Shibasaki, ACS Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Plenary Lecture, Japanese Soc of Pharma Sciences, Yokohama, Japan
Merck Catalysis Symposium, Shanghai, China
Plenary Lecture, Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yokohama
Plenary Lecture Swiss Chemical Society, Basel, Switzerland
Plenary Lecture Copenhagen Symposium on Catalysis, Denmark
Banff Symposium on Organic Synthesis, Canada
Merck Catalysis Symposium, Shanghai, China
Mukaiyama Award Symposium, Awaji Island, Japan
Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis, Brazil
Young Guns Conference on Organic Synthesis, San Francisco, CA
Cope Scholar Award Lecture, Boston, MA
ISHC Heterocyclic Award Lecture, Sydney, Australia
Kyoto Conference on Organocatalysis, Japan
Kende Lectureship, University of Rochester, NY
Hellenic Symposium on Organic Synthesis, Athens, Greece.
Bristol Synthesis Meeting, Bristol, UK.
Cornforth Lectureship, University of Sydney, Australia
Merck Lectureship, Stanford, CA.
Novartis Lectureship, University of Pennsylvania, PA.
Plenary Lecture, New Zealand International Chemistry Conference, Rototua, New Zealand
Keynote Address, Ta-shue Chou Symposium, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Novartis International Lecturer:Boston, US; Basel, Switzerland; London, UK;Tokyo, Japan; Vienna, Austria
Organocatalysis Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii
Plenary Lecture, Dublin Chemistry Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
Cornforth Lectureship, University of Sydney, Australia
Plenary Lecture, Yamada-Koga Prize Symposium, Yokyo, Japan
Plenary Lecture, LOC Symposium, Charlemagne, Germany
Key Address, Gregynogg Symposium, UK
BASF Symposium in Catalysis, Heidelberg, Germany
The Merck Lectures, Cambridge University, UK
Award Lecture for EJ Corey Prize, San Diego, US
Plenary Lecture, Frontiers in Organic Chemistry, Yale University, US
Ertdman Lecturer, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Fuson Lectureship, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne
Plenary Lecture, IASOC XI, Ischia, Italy
Syngenta Lectureship, Basel Chemical Society, Basel, Switzerland
Plenary Lecture, French Cemical Society, Paris France
New Frontiers in Organic Synthesis, Edinburgh, Scotland
Plenary Lecture, Belgian Organic Symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
AOCC Plenary Lecture, Cairns, Perth, Sydney, Australia
Plenary Lecture, BOS 2004, Riga, Latvia
UMEDS Plenary Lecture, Zaragoza, Spain
Merck Lectureship, Imperial College, London, UK
Lundbeck Lectureship, Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Baker Lecture, Cornell University, NY
Inspire Lectureship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
BMS Lectureship, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Paul Dowd Lectureship, University of Pittsburgh, PA
Chemistry as a Life Science Symposium, Princeton, NJ
Invited Speaker: 9th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan
Plenary Speaker: International Symposium on Synthesis in Organic Chemistry, Camibridge University, UK
Plenary Speaker: International Conference on Heterocycles, Ft. Collins, CO
Derome Lectureship, Oxford University, UK
Plenary Speaker: National Organic Symposium
Plenary Speaker: International Symposium on Catalysis, Holland
Invited Speaker, Burgenstock, Switzerland
ACS Perspectives Symposium on Catalysis, Boston, MA
Plenary Speaker: Advances in Catalysis Symposium, Puerto Rico
Columbia University, NY
Plenary Speaker: ISSIN, Osaka University, Tokyo, Japan
Plenary Speaker: CMDS Symposium, KAIST, Daejon Korea
Plenary Speaker: ACS Princeton Symposium, NJ
Philadelphia Chemists Society meeting to honor Franklin Davis, PA
Plenary Speaker: Roche Symposium, Boulder, CO Plenary Speaker
Merck Worldwide Symposium, Montreal
International Symposium on Recent Developments in Organometallic and Organic Synthesis, University of Montreal
ACS Award Symposium for Professor Clayton Heathcock
Plenary Speaker: SCI Symposium on Enantioselective Organocatalysis, London
Merck Lecturer UK, Manchester, Leeds
Stanford University
Keynote Speaker: NCCC III Symposium, Amsterdam
Holland Cram Memorial Symposium, UCLA
Mesilla Chemistry Workshop, "Asymmetric Catalysis," NM
Astra Zeneca New Investigator Award Symposium
Harvard University, Woodward Scholar Lecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
GlaxoSmithKline Chemistry Scholar Symposium
ACS Nakanishi Prize Symposium for Professor Jack Roberts
Invited Speaker ICHC, Yokohama, Japan
Symposium in Honor of Professor David Evans, Harvard University
Plenary Speaker Royal Society of Chemistry Grasmere Conference, UK
Michigan Distinguished Lecturer Tour
University of Chicago
University of California, Los Angeles
DuPont Symposium in Organic Synthesis, UC San Diego
Yale University, CT
Merck Pharmaceuticals, UK
Cambridge University, UK
California Institute of Technology, CA; UC Irvine, CA
The Scripps Research Institute, CA